• 5030 Jackman Rd, Toledo OH

Bad Bowlers Leagues

Let the Good Times Roll… Where it's good to be Bad’!

“It’s Good to be Bad” only in the BAD Bowlers Leagues! Are you a Bad Bowler? If so, then you’re invited to join one of the upcoming “Pub & Grub Bad Bowlers”– Fun & Social mini programs now forming ... “Where It's Good to Be Bad'!

Gather up your fun team of 4, pick your night and sign up today!

Pick Your day – short 8-week mini session

  • Mondays starting March 24th at 7pm
  • Tuesdays starting March 4th at 7pm
  • Thursdays starting March 20th at 7pm
  • Sundays starting March 16th at 6pm

Bonus>>> Each night of bowling your team will get a large pizza and a pitcher of domestic draft beer or soda delivered to your lane while bowling! <<<Bonus

4 bad bowlers per team

Its 3 games of “9 is Fine” – Knock 9 pins down of your first ball and = Strike!

All this for only $12 per person each week!

It’s a short 8-week mini league with plenty of fun in store!

Margarita Bad Bowlers | Fun & Social

Let the Good Times Roll… Where it's good to be Bad’!

Each Night of Bowling your team will receive a large 1 item pizza and a pitcher of Margaritas or domestic draft beer or pop of your choice

Gather up your fun team of 4 and sign up today!

Pick Your day – quick and FUN

  • Wednesdays at 6:30pm Starting March 19th

                        8 quick sessions


  • Fridays (Every other Friday) 6:30pm Starting February 28th

            6 quick sessions

Bonus>>> Each night of bowling your team will get a large pizza and a pitcher of Margaritas or domestic draft beer or soda delivered to your lane while bowling! <<<Bonus

Here’s the Details-

  • Team = 4 adult bad bowlers - any combo M/F
  • Fun scoring format- 9 Pin No Tap – “Knock 9 pins down of first ball = strike
  • Bonus scoring to make it fun and competitive for all skill levels
  • 3 games weekly
  • Includes all your rental gear at no extra charge
  • Weekly team pizza and pitcher of margaritas or domestic draft or soda delivered to your team while bowling

All this for only $15 per Bowler

Miracle Lanes of Toledo is one of the finest bowling centers in the tri-state area! Miracle Lanes has been voted the cleanest facility in the area according to our customers. Our modern bowling center offers league and open bowling for all ages alike!


Mondays: 10am – 11pm
Tuesdays: 11am - 11pm
Wednesdays: 10am – 11pm
Thursdays: 11am – 11pm
Friday: 11am – 11pm
Saturday: 10am – 11pm
Sunday: Noon – 10pm


Miracle Lanes of Toledo
5030 Jackman Rd
Toledo Ohio 43613
419 476 8996

Email: MiracleLanesToledo@gmail.com