If you’re looking to raise funds for any reason, cause or organization; why not do it by inviting guests to play a popular and fun game? With no up-front expense, and our support tools and assistance – you can conduct an event/campaign that will generate funds for your organization.
Miracle Lanes of Toledo is one of the finest bowling centers in the tri-state area! Miracle Lanes has been voted the cleanest facility in the area according to our customers. Our modern bowling center offers league and open bowling for all ages alike!
Mondays: 10am – 11pm
Tuesdays: 11am - 11pm
Wednesdays: 10am – 11pm
Thursdays: 11am – 11pm
Friday: 11am – 11pm
Saturday: 10am – 11pm
Sunday: Noon – 10pm
Miracle Lanes of Toledo
5030 Jackman Rd
Toledo Ohio 43613
419 476 8996
Email: MiracleLanesToledo@gmail.com